Hibrid Is First In Region To Introduce CDN Backed Real-Time Streaming

We are glad to announce that our content delivery network (CDN) now supports Real-Time Streaming directly from the media source to the media player. Hibrid is the first company in the region to adopt, implement and provide services using this technology within its CDN and video platforms.

What is CDN Real-Time Streaming (RTS)?

Simply put, imagine yourself sitting inside the studio where the TV show is being broadcasted. Imagine yourself watching a game live within the field large screen. Our real-time streaming solution is now faster than satellite TV broadcast, enabling viewers to watch and listen to the latest media in real-time, without any delays between the live channel and the internet channel.

Backed up with our Streaming Content Delivery Network (CDN) solution, delays caused by geographical distance become non-existent, and brings the media source closer to the audience PC, tablet and mobile phone.

How can this solution benefit you and your business?

The advantages of CDN based real-time streaming are plenty. For more information on how your enterprise could monetize on our CDN services and how you could incorporate it into your business process, feel free to contact our consultants.

Hibrid Is First In Region To Introduce CDN Backed Real-Time Streaming

We are glad to announce that our content delivery network (CDN) now supports Real-Time Streaming directly from the media source to the media player. Hibrid is the first company in the region to adopt, implement and provide services using this technology within its CDN and video platforms.

What is CDN Real-Time Streaming (RTS)?

Simply put, imagine yourself sitting inside the studio where the TV show is being broadcasted. Imagine yourself watching a game live within the field large screen. Our real-time streaming solution is now faster than satellite TV broadcast, enabling viewers to watch and listen to the latest media in real-time, without any delays between the live channel and the internet channel.

Backed up with our Streaming Content Delivery Network (CDN) solution, delays caused by geographical distance become non-existent, and brings the media source closer to the audience PC, tablet and mobile phone.

How can this solution benefit you and your business?

The advantages of CDN based real-time streaming are plenty. For more information on how your enterprise could monetize on our CDN services and how you could incorporate it into your business process, feel free to contact our consultants.